Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Traveller

The Traveller: This sculpture was inspired by the telescope that you see mounted on the top of it. It’s not quite finished yet but I thought that I would take a photo and get a 2D look at it. Imagine the Traveller as a low tech 1890s musical robot in search of …. Who knows what? A band. Clumsy and somewhat noisy, he rattles along the dusty roads of southern Saskatchewan or perhaps he dodges the endless traffic of the Lions Gate Bridge.


  1. OOh absolutely loverly ! Makes me think of old England and the tinware sellers with their loaded clanging carts of tin delights. And of course Steampunk, can't forget that !
    Such vision :)
    Hope you don't mind but I'd like to add you to my list of fav. blogs ?
    ---found you from Facebook

    Take care, Tracy

  2. Thanks Tracy... I thought that it had that look too...Now I just have to get it to roam on it's own.
